Preferred Name |
Callithrix jacchus |
ID | |
The common marmoset, Callithrix jacchus. |
code |
C77115 |
Concept_In_Subset | |
Contributing_Source |
The common marmoset, Callithrix jacchus, is a small primate characterized by a hairless face with a white mark on the forehead and is covered in grey fur with white tufts of hair surrounding its ears. This primate has a life span of 10 years in the wild and 16 years in captivity. The marmoset has claws instead of nails and walks on all four legs. Fully mature 20-24 month old females typically give birth to twins after a 150 day gestational period. The marmoset is genetically similar to humans and is a useful model for studying human diseases such as Lassa fever, multiple sclerosis, and viral infections. |
MARMOSET Callithrix jacchus jacchus White-Ear-Tufted Marmoset CALLITHRIX JACCHUS Callithrix jacchus Cotton-eared Marmoset Common Marmoset |
label |
Callithrix jacchus |
Legacy Concept Name |
Marmoset |
NCBI_Taxon_ID |
9483 |
Preferred_Name |
Callithrix jacchus |
prefixIRI |
Thesaurus:C77115 |
prefLabel |
Callithrix jacchus |
Semantic_Type |
Mammal |
C0006765 |
subClassOf |